By Jason Campbell TTRPG games like Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons and many others focus heavily on combat. In 5e based...
Combatless encountersCombatless encounters

By Jason Campbell TTRPG games like Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons and many others focus heavily on combat. In 5e based...
In today’s Tales From the Tavern mini-interview we hear from Danny Kodicek. You can find Danny at and at...
By Jason Campbell Many people who enjoy playing fantasy TTRPGs have been looking towards other game companies aside from Wizards...
In today’s Tales From the Tavern mini-interview features Tim Imholt. You can find him at and Let’s hear...
By GamerMomLuna The PCs enter the cave, and make it through the first few areas without any real issues. There...
Today we have another Tales From the Tavern mini-interview with Craig Hatler. You can find Craig’s links here. Let’s hear...
The folks at Adventure-a-Week have a kickstarter for their book Mini-Dungeon Tome II that ends Thursday May 25. AAW has...
By Jason Campbell If you’re familiar with Mike Shea (Sly Flourish’s) Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master and other writing...
Today’s Tales From the Tavern interview is with Andrew Kolb, noted artist, writer and ttrpg designer. But let’s let Andrew...
This is a partial review of the third playtest packet for a new roleplaying game being developed by Kobold Press....