By Jason Campbell “Put me in coach, I’m ready to play – today.” John Fogerty Today is opening day 2023...
The Beauty of Baseball, RPGs and CreativityThe Beauty of Baseball, RPGs and Creativity

By Jason Campbell “Put me in coach, I’m ready to play – today.” John Fogerty Today is opening day 2023...
By Jason Campbell Blades in the Dark is a RPG created by Johnthan Harper and released by Evil Hat productions...
By Jason Campbell The core of games like Dungeons & Dragons is conflict. Whether that is a spoken conflict that...
By Jason Campbell Recently I saw someone ask, “How can a GM make shopping scenes fun?” Of course the immediate...
By Jason Campbell One of the most common pieces of advice given to game masters is to prepare less for...
By Jason Campbell I’ve been running a weekly 5e campaign in Monte Cook’s Ptolus setting since January 2022, the player...
By Jason Campbell It’s been said before but as a GM for a ttrpg you don’t have to know all...
By Jason Campbell I’ve been running a weekly 5e campaign in Monte Cook’s Ptolus setting since January 2022, the player...
By Jason Campbell I’ve been running a weekly 5e campaign in Monte Cook’s Ptolus setting since January 2022, the player...
By Jason Campbell I’ve been running a weekly 5e campaign in Monte Cook’s Ptolus setting since January 2022, the player...