By Jason Campbell

We have a Kickstarter campaign (live until June 18, 2024) for a collection of casual, fun TTRPG adventures for Monte Cook Games’ Cypher System, you can check it out here:

Today we have two FREE downloads to preview two of the adventures in The Light Fantastic.


is inspired by classic detective games which you can role play using the Cypher System. Each player chooses a character from those provided. One character will be chosen at random as the murderer. It could be a player character or an NPC – it could be you! No one will know until the mystery is solved. Professor Amber is one of the pre-generated characters available to players.

Three Hour Tour to the Island of the Lost

When six passengers (a sailor, a ship’s captain, a millionaire, a movie star, a teacher and a farm girl) on a small sight-seeing boat get marooned on an island of lost dinosaurs and lizard people they must use all of their wits and skills to survive and escape! This ain’t your parents’ sitcom…
The Sailor (choose your own name!) is a pre-generated character you can play in this adventure.

Check out the Kickstarter here

And send along any questions you have to

The Light Fantastic is Compatible with the Cypher System and uses the Cypher System Open License from Monte Cook Games

This product is an independent production and is not affiliated with Monte Cook Games, LLC. It is published under the Cypher System Open License, found at

CYPHER SYSTEM and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC.