By Jason Campbell The Weird is a RPG book by Monte Cook Games. The book is 256 pages with really...
Review: The WeirdReview: The Weird

By Jason Campbell The Weird is a RPG book by Monte Cook Games. The book is 256 pages with really...
OK dear readers, it’s storytime. In 2021 in my homebrewed Dungeons and Dragons 5e campaign the characters were tier 3...
True confession here: I am not a fan of alignment in RPGs and I don’t require them in most of...
by Jason Campbell I began playing Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (first edition) in the summer of 1981 and continued to...
by GamerMomLuna GamerMomLuna got the chance to interview the crew from the Dragon Punch Squad podcast; Jacob, Timmy, Kelly and...
By Jason Campbell The Lazy DM’s Forge of Foes is a rpg book written by Teos Abadía, Scott Fitzgerald Gray...
By Jason Campbell The Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook describes three core pillars of the game; combat, exploration and social...
By Jason Campbell That’s a dangerous title, right? “Off the Track”, does that mean the adventure I’d prepped railroaded the...
By Jason Campbell When I first started playing AD&D in the 1980s alignment was core to the game. The major...
By Jason Campbell As I’d mentioned in previous Campaign Diaries, I’ve been running a short campaign this summer with Andrew...