In today’s Tales From the Tavern interview we hear from David Tilstra, a Voice actor! Streamer! TTRPG Performer! And the Dungeon master for the Dnd 5e actual play From Afar Podcast! Let’s hear from David:

Do you prefer playing TTRPGs online or in person, and why?
Both! Any chance I get to play game with my friends virtually or in person is a chance I WILL TAKE!

What is your favorite TV Show(s) or Movie(s)?
Oh dang, that’s a big question! Show – Avatar, any Anime, Steven Universe, Game Grumps?! Movie – Hook… that is all! The only movie I have ever seen!

Describe your ideal job or assignment in the TTRPG space
I am willing to float, I love playing, but I also love DMing! Producing twitch shows is something I am trying to learn so that is also on the table!

If you created a weird undead creature, what would it be?
An undead piece of toast… It’s just a burnt piece of toast called Toast Ghost!

Have you ever felt like an outsider in the TTRPG space? Describe if you can.
Honestly, not really! Everyone here has been so so so supportive and welcoming! Even when playing with some of the bigger names! They have all taken the time to get to know me and after the games they have responded and taken time to interact with me on socials!

Anything else you’d like us to know:
I just rolled a 13? Is that good or bad?

Thanks, David!

About The Author

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