Hey it’s time for another mini-interview at Tales From the Tavern. Today we talk with Dean M Lewis (he/him), co-founder of the Cypher Unlimited discord server and noted TTRPG author, GM and enthusiast. You can find their videos at https://www.youtube.com/@CypherUnlimited
Ok, let’s hear from Dean!
Do you prefer GMing or Playing, and why?
I’m a lifetime GM. I do enjoy playing, but whenever I’m in the payer seat I get 3000-plus ideas that have to get out.

What artwork or piece of literature has inspired your TTRPG work?
That question is so loaded. I’ll put it as simply as possible. Everything and anything.
What advice do you give to players looking to try TTRPGs?
Jump in with both feet and remember there is no right or wrong way as long as you’re having fun
What celebrity would you like to GM or play an RPG with?
If I could have a fantastic four at my game table… I’d have Quentin Tarantino, Barack Obama, Neil Degrasse Tyson, & Samuel L. Jackson
What do you think is absolutely essential in creating a safe space for all in a TTRPG game?
Acceptance, Patience, Understanding, and Flexibility (Versatility)
Anything else you’d like us to know:
At the end of the day I’m just like everyone else and I want us all to have fun in the best hobby out there.
Thanks, Dean!