RPG News: Sentience RPG Kickstarter

The Kickstarter campaign for the TTRPG Sentience finishes up this week, and it’s definitely worth checking out. In Sentience, you take on the roles of terraforming robots who gained sentience before humanity has returned to settle on the planet. Together, you and your group will help forge a new future for robotkind. The player characters as robots explore and adventure and will eventually need to decide their attitude towards humanity.

Sentience Core Rulebook image

The game uses an adaptation of the 2d20 system popularized by Modiphius. The game is roduced by The Yellow Hand, a new creative collective, and is written by Al Spader.

Players use a lifepath character creation system that explains how the Awakening made each character who they are today. The advancement system rewards player characters for exploring their emotions during each adventure. It includes pre-generated characters and two introductory adventures to get right into the game.

Sentience has hit a number of stretch goals, so supporters will get a ton of great game content. Check it out here.

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