By Jason Campbell TTRPG games like Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons and many others focus heavily on combat. In 5e based...
Combatless encountersCombatless encounters

By Jason Campbell TTRPG games like Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons and many others focus heavily on combat. In 5e based...
By Jason Campbell Many people who enjoy playing fantasy TTRPGs have been looking towards other game companies aside from Wizards...
By Jason Campbell If you’re familiar with Mike Shea (Sly Flourish’s) Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master and other writing...
By Jason Campbell Humor is a big part of many ttrpg sessions, but should it be a part of the...
by Jason Campbell Dungeons and Dragons was the first TTRPG and it evolved from miniature wargames. Still nearly 50 years...
By Jason Campbell In Ye Old Days the D&D red box set (and the blue expert set) came with six...
By Jason Campbell I am a GM for life by choice but I occasionally play TTRPGs so I can experience...
By Jason Campbell Note: received no complimentary products or other compensation in exchange for this review. Monte Cook Games ...
By Jason Campbell With recent interest in TTRPGs other than Dungeons and Dragons, I’ve been running “intro sessions” to other...
By Jason Campbell A lot of TTRPG players and GMs prefer games which are more “gritty”, often meaning the chance...